Saturday, July 26, 2008


Self expression is a bitch, especially when you're fully aware of what you wish to express, but can't grasp the method of speaking it.

Really round-about way to describe an old cliche and a state of mind. I have no issue with ideas, it's getting them off my head and onto the medium that isn't as easy. I've been taught, even told, exactly what to do. Somehow it never actually gets done the way it should. It sure as hell comes, but never in the exact way it's supposed to.


Naturally, the thing that has taught me thus far in how to create may be retiring soon, which leads me to the conclusion that complete failure, breakdown and disambiguation is nigh. Pulling down a self made and self appointed castle is more difficult than razing the oppositions'. A castle in itself is annoying enough; weapons of siege are hard to come by for cheap in this day and age. Also, I doubt the Americanskis would be willing to let some of those tasty 155mm mortars into my possession, monetary concerns aside.

Maybe I should just pay more attention to the obituaries. Slightly less depressing.

1 comment:

Kluny said...

That was a highly confusing rant. If I didn't know better I might almost think you meant to give up guitar, but that's ridiculous. Are you contemplating suicide?