Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I should be doing at least some of the work I need to get done for school, instead of posting here. With that said, I don't care.

Also, I'm going to see Metallica in Vancouver tonight, but have no idea if the person I'm going with will be available for the schedule of my existence, which could double screw me, as his place is where I'm laying rest for the night. Oh yeah, hurrah for disorganisation.

I suppose I'll have to sit around in a coffee shop for three hours, looking nervous and unsure of the validity of my life and the universe. Maybe I'll strike up a conversation with some kind of Vancouver's intelligencia, and discuss the concept of validity as a whole, entirely forgetting who and what it's being applied to. Maybe we'll find our way into deeper topics, like the meaning of life, or why they don't use cocao powder in mochas at Starbucks. Perhaps we'll start a riot against the unfair and horrible mistreatment of cocao in these modern times, and after being arrested and thrown in the drunk tank, we'll found a Non-Governmental Organisation dedicated to promoting the rights of cocao. Once our organisation has floundered from a lack of available funds, we'll get married and ride happily off into the sunset, producing twenty-some-odd spawn, each of which will be trained as generals in our army of world domination. Led by ur sons and daughters, this army will wash over the world in a wave of drunken hatred and pointless fury, ending only once the entine Earth is under the auspices of our mighty beer steins!

Oh yeah. Now I've got a plan.

1 comment:

Kluny said...

Dude. I have been in that coffee shop.