Friday, December 19, 2008

I went to Metallica

And it almost went of without a hitch, aside from the hang over and missed ferry that resulted in the total obliteration of the day's plans. Up until I woke up the day after, everything was pretty sweet. In all honesty, it was a really fricken' awesome show; Metallica played every song flawlessly, including not only their new album's songs, but a lot of classics. They ended the show with Seek & Destroy; what else, right?

I basically missed both openers, which was damn sad, as I really wanted to see the first band up, The Sword, but only caught the end of the second act, Lamb of God. They were doing a pretty good job, and I'll admit that they were better than I expected; a good warm up, if nothing else.

On a side note, I figure some christmakwanzukah wishes are in order. Ladies and gents, best of the season to you.

Hope you get some awesome swag. ;)

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