Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More from MacLeans

Another interesting article here.

Pakistan and the U.S. have long shared the same feelings on terrorism: kill 'em all and let God (Allah) sort 'em out. Generally, this has led to good relations between the pair; however, as usual, some American troops have screwed things up through following orders. I can only assume that Pakistani officials were not made aware of the American operation.

One would assume that, by now, the U.S. commanders would understand that their allies should be made aware of what American troops will be doing; obviously they have not learned. I am continually amazed at the lack of forethought on the side of the American military hierarchy. Despite being one of the most advanced militaries in the world, the commanders seem to refuse basic information to allies, usually citing the requirement to keep the operation "clandestine." Do they somehow believe that their allies will go to al-Qaida, or whatever other group is being fought, and inform them of what is going on? I might not be a military man, but last I checked, allied militaries don't tattle-tale on other allied militaries.

Seriously guys, grow up.

1 comment:

Kluny said...

Like kids in the sandbox, they are. The bigger they get, the less they can see.