Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Stephen Harper is probably not the best human being on the planet, this much is for sure; he's a politician, after all, but while he might have been able to secure my vote, he certainly lost it now.

Somehow, through his advisorial staff, somebody told him that working class Canadians don't care about culture. Last I had checked, "culture," such as theatre, music and movies, were mostly designed for the working class as a type of escape from the rigors of a badly governed life. (Thank you History 106.)

So, instead of distracting your people from your failures by spending cash on movies, television and other escapes, Harper finds it useful to cut funding.

For the first time in a while, I'm finding it difficult to come up with words strong enough to condemn something along these lines. Almost once a week, I attend a poetry reading (shut up, I'm a writer) which includes featured readers. These readers come from all over Canada to perform at this event, and their travel costs are partially subsidised by the Canadian Council for the Arts, which draws its money from government subsidies. If this service had less available money, then where would my own small corner of poetic solace go? And before anybody says that poetry readings are a small part of this, chew on the fact that the cafe where these readings takes place is standing room only, every week.

Somehow, I doubt that this kind of event would go anywhere but down the shitter, thanks entirely to Harper.

Kind of nice to be able to blame something so grand on one person. Gives you something to imagine on your toilet paper when you're wiping your ass.

On second thought, I don't think Harper is good enough to wipe my ass.

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